Deno - Notice history

Notice history

Mar 2022

GitHub outage
  • Resolved

    This issue has been resolved.

  • Monitoring

    GitHub has implemented a fix for the outage.

  • Identified

    GitHub is currently having an outage that is impacting our ability to talk to GitHub's API. This currently is impacting the following:

    • Sign-in with GitHub
    • Automatic GitHub deployments
    • Playground exports
    • Linking of GitHub repositories

    Serving of existing deployments via our edge network is unaffected.

    The situation is unchanged as of 15:25 UTC. Expect another update at 16:15 UTC at latest.

    You can view the GitHub incident status here:

Feb 2022

No notices reported this month

Jan 2022

No notices reported this month

Jan 2022 to Mar 2022
